Upload your own structure

This will remove all current structure and data information! If you want to upload data for your current structure, please use the 'Upload Data' menu point in the 'Response Patterns' tab.



Use a predefined structure

The numerous structrues available are grouped by source/topic.

If there are data provided for the structure they are also automatically loaded (Density, Matter, Doignon & Falmagne, Chess, ENDM). For PISA, data are loaded and a surmise relation can be generated from the data.

Your Structure

Your structure as is. It may be without empty set or complete item set, i.e. it may be no knowledge structure.

Knowledge Space including your Structure

Basis of the Corresponding Knowledge Space

Surmise Relation of the Corresponding Quasi-Ordinal Knowledge Space

Upload Data

This is for uploading data belonging to your current structure.
If you want to upload data to generate a structure fron, please use the 'select your structure' tab.


Compute a structure from response patterns

Simple structure generation

This procedure generates a knowledge structure from data using a simple approach: take every response pattern with a minimal frequency as knowledge space.
Please note that this requires a LARGE data set.

With a threshold of 1, the resulting structure is the set of unique response patterns.

Structure generation applying inductive item tree analysis (IITA)

This will compute a surmise relation and the corresponding knowledge structure from the current data set applying the Inductive Item Tree Analysis (IITA).
See: Ünlü, A. & Sargin, A. (2010). DAKS: An R package for data analysis methods in knowledge space theory. Journal of Statistical Software, 37(2), 1–31.


Simulations are computed applying the BLIM model to your knowledge space

Data overview


Compute the discrepancy index DI and the distance agreement coefficient DA.

Download Structure or Response Patterns

An extension to the filename based on your filetype selection will be added automatically.



Clear All Data

Settings for Tables and Plots

A Very Short Introduction to Knowledge Space Theory

Knowledge space theory is a set-theoretical framework for adaptive assessment and learning of knowledge. The basic idea is to restrict the set of possibile knowledge states within a domain by prerequisite (or precedence) relationships.

A knowledge domain is represented by a set Q of items (or test problems). The individual learners are described by the subset of items they can solve, their knowledge states. The set 𝒦 of all knowledge states in a population is called a knowledge structure, by definition it always contains the empty set ∅ and the full item set Q.

It seems reasonable that if there are two learners with knowledge states K and K' then there might also be another learner with knowledge state K ∪ K', i.e. with their combined knowledge. A knowledge structure 𝒦 is called a knowledge space if it is closed under union, i.e. for any K, K' ∈ 𝒦, their union K ∪ K' ∈ 𝒦. If a knowledge space is furthermore closed under intersection, i.e. for any K, K' ∈ 𝒦, their intersection K ∩ K' ∈ 𝒦, it is called quasi-ordinal knowledge space.

(Quasi-ordinal) knowledge spaces can be defined through prerequisite (or precedence) relationships. The first approach is the surmise relation: If learners can solve item a, we can surmise that they can also solve item b. We write b ⊑ a. ⊑ is a reflexive and transitive relation on Q, in other words a quasi-order. There exists a one-to-one relationship between the set of surmise relations on Q and the set of quasi-ordinal knowledge spaces on Q.

A more general approach than surmise relations are surmise mappings. They allow for alternative sets of prerequisites fir an item, e.g. in the context of different solution paths. A surmise mapping assigns to each item a nonempty family of nonempty subsets of Q, the clauses of q ∈ Q. If a learner masters q s/he also masters all items of at least one clause of q. A surmise relation is a special case of a surmise mapping where every item has exactly one clause. Surmise mappings fulfil extended versions of reflexivity and transitivity plus incomparability axioms. There exists a one-to-one relationship between the set of surmise mappings on Q and the set of knowledge spaces on Q.


{Major books on knowledge space theory]
  • Doignon, J.-P. & Falmagne, J.-C. (1985). Spaces for the assessment of knowledge. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 23, 175-196.
  • Albert, D. (ed.) (1994). Knowledge Structures. Springer Verlag, New York.
  • Doignon, J.-P. & Falmagne, J.-C. (1999). Knowledge Spaces. Springer, Berlin.
  • Albert, D. & Lukas, J. (eds.) (1999). Knowledge Spaces: Theories, Empirical Research, Applications. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ.
  • Falmagne, J.-C., Albert, D., Doble, C., Eppstein, D., & Hu, X., editors (2013). Knowledge Spaces: Applications in Education. Springer, Heidelberg.
  • Heller, J. & Stefanutti, L., editors (2024). Knowledge Structures: Recent Developments in Theory and Application, volume 7 of Advanced Series on Mathematical Psychology. World Scientific, Singapore.
  • Hockemeyer, C., Heller, J., Spoto, A., Stefanutti, L., & Wickelmaier, F. (2018). Knowledge Space Theory. Moodle course produced in the TquanT and QHELP projects.

Using this App

The WorkKST app offers various functions to work with knowledge spaces. Below you find its menu structure.
  • Select your structure
    • Pre-defined: Select one of the predefined structures or data sets.
    • Upload: Upload your own structure or data file. Please note that this drops all existing structure and data information in your session.
      If you want to upload data and keep existing structure information, please use the Upload Data panel unter "Response Patterns".
  • Structure info: These panels allow you to compute and show the various representations of your structure
    • Your structure: Show your original uploaded/selected structure.
    • Knowledge space: Compute and show your knowledge space, i.e. the closure under union of your structure.
    • Basis: Compute and show the basis of your structure.
    • Surmise relation: Compute and show the surmise relation of your structure.
  • Response Patterns: Various functions dealing with data.
    • Upload data: Upload a data set for your structure. Please note that
      1. Your structure is preserved (as opposed to the "Upload" function under "Select ypour structure").
      2. You current structure in the system and the uploaded data set must have the same number of items.
    • Compute a structure from data: Two different procedures are offered:
      1. Simple approach.
      2. Inductive Item Tree Analysis (IITA; may take quite some time).
    • Simulation: Simulate response patterns from your knowledge space applying the BLIM (Basic Local Independence Model).
    • Data overview: This panel currently only shows the top part of your data set.
    • Validation: Compute a few validity coefficients.
  • Download: You can download the produced data/structures.
  • Clear data: Clear ALL data.
  • Settings: You can select limits for tables and plots.
  • Introduction & help: Information about the App
    • Knowledge Space Theory: A very short introduction to KST - basically it is assumed that people using this app know already something about it.
    • Usage: How to use the app – this page
    • File formats: The different file formats usable with the functions
    • About the data: The app includes a lot of empirical data available through the various R packages for KST. This page gives information on their sources.
    • About the app: Basic information about the WorkKST app.
Please not that the server does not store any information, i.e. all data and structures are automaticall deleted after your session ends.

File Formats

[This page was taken from the kstIO Package documentation (Hockemeyer, 2018).]

Over time and in different research groups with knowledge space theory, different file formats have evolved.

Matrix Format

The probably simplest and most direct approach is to store the information in a binary ASCII matrix where a "1" in row i and column j means that item j is element of state/response pattern i.

There is no separating character between the columns, and there should be no trailing whitespace at the end of the line. The last line of the matrix must carry an EndOfLine - in most editors (except vi) this means an empty line after the matrix.

KST Tools Format

This format (Hockemeyer, 2001) extends the matrix format by two preceding header lines containing the number of items and the number of states/response patterns, respectively.

SRBT Tools Format

This format (Pötzi & Wesiak, 2001) extends the KST tools format by yet another preceding header line with format and content metadata. This new header line has the format
#SRBT v2.0 <struct> ASCII <comment>
where <struct> specifies the type of data stored in the file and <comment> is an optional arbitrary comment.

The following data types are supported by the respective kstIO functions:

  • basis

  • data

  • space

  • structure

For kbase files, the encoding information "ASCII" is missing because kbase files are always in ASCII format.

Base Files

Base files are available only in KST and SRBT tools format. Their matrix part differs from the other files in that it contains "0", "1", and "2". A "1" means that the state is minimal for the item and a "2" means that it is not (but contains the item). A "0" stands (as always) for the state not containing the item.


#SRBT v2.0 structure ASCII


Hockemeyer, C. (2001). KST Tools User Manual (2nd ed.). https://kst.hockemeyer.at/techreports/KST-Tools_TechRep_FWF01.pdf.

Hockemeyer, C. (2018). kstIO: Knowledge Space Theory Input/Output. R package version 0.2-0.

Pötzi, S. & Wesiak, G. (2001). SRbT Tools User Manual. https://kst.hockemeyer.at/techreports/SRBT-Tools_TechRep_FWF01.pdf.

Provided Structures and Data

Please look at the respective package documentation for more details.
CAD (Dwoling)
Six experts were queried about prerequisite relationships between 28 AutoCAD knowledge items (Dowling, 1991; 1993). A seventh basis represents those prerequisite relationships on which the majority (4 out of 6) of the experts agree (Dowling & Hockemeyer, 1998).
Provided by the kstMatrix package.
Chess (Schrepp)
Held, Schrepp and Fries (1995) derived several knowledge structures (DST1, DST3, and DST4) for the representation of 92 responses to 16 chess problems. See Schrepp, Held and Albert (1999) for a detailed description of these problems.
Provided by the pks package.
Fractions (Baumunk)
Three experts were queried about prerequisite relationships between 77 items on fractions (Baumunk & Dowling, 1997). A forth basis represents those prerequisite relationships on which the majority of the experts agree (Dowling & Hockemeyer, 1998).
Provided by the kstMatrix package.
This dataset is part of the empirical 2003 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) data. It contains the item responses by 340 German students on a 5-item dichotomously scored mathematical literacy test.
Provided by the DAKS package.
Probability Problems (Anselmi & Wickelmaier)
This data set contains responses to problems in elementary probability theory observed before and after some instructions.
Provided by the DAKS package.
Read/Write (Dwoling)
Three experts were queried about prerequisite relationships between 48 items on reading and writing abilities (Dowling, 1991; 1993). A forth basis represents those prerequisite relationships on which the majority of the experts agree (Dowling & Hockemeyer, 1998).
Provided by the kstMatrix package.
School Arithmetics (de Chiusole, Stefanutti, & Brancaccio)
23 fraction problems were presented to 191 first-level middle school students (about 11 to 12 years old). A subset of 13 problems is included in Stefanutti and de Chiusole (2017). Eight subtraction problems were presented to 294 elementary school students and are described by de Chiusole and Stefanutti (2013).
Provided by the DAKS package.
A five items subtest of the density test, and a five items subtest of the conservation of matter test by Taagepera et al. (1997).
Provided by the pks package.
  • xpl
    Small example space with simulated data (N = 500).
    Provided by the kstMatrix package.
  • Doignon & Falmagne
    Fictitious data set from Doignon and Falmagne (1999, chap. 7). Response patterns of 1000 respondents to five problems. Each respondent is assumed to be in one of nine possible states of the knowledge structure 𝒦.
    Provided by the pks package.
  • ENDM & ENDM K2
    Knowledge structures and 200 artificial responses to four problems that were used to illustrate parameter estimation in Heller and Wickelmaier (2013).
    Provided by the pks package.


  • Baumunk, K. & Dowling, C. E. (1997). Validity of spaces for assessing knowledge about fractions. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 41, 99–105.
  • de Chiusole, D., & Stefanutti, L. (2013). Modeling skill dependence in probabilistic competence structures. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 42, 41–48.
  • Doignon J & Falmagne J (1999). Knowledge Spaces. Springer–Verlag, Berlin. doi = 10.1007/978-3-642-58625-5.
  • Dowling, C. E. (1991). Constructing Knowledge Structures from the Judgements of Experts. Habilitationsschrift, Technische Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina, Braunschweig, Germany.
  • Dowling, C. E. (1993). Applying the basis of a knowledge space for controlling the questioning of an expert. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 37, 21–48.
  • Dowling, C. E. & Hockemeyer, C. (1998). Computing the intersection of knowledge spaces using only their basis. In Cornelia E. Dowling, Fred S. Roberts, & Peter Theuns, editors, Recent Progress in Mathematical Psychology, pp. 133–141. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Ltd., Mahwah, NJ.
  • Held, T., Schrepp, M., & Fries, S. (1995). Methoden zur Bestimmung von Wissensstrukturen – eine Vergleichsstudie. Zeitschrift für Experimentelle Psychologie, 42(2), 205–236.
  • Heller, J., & Wickelmaier, F. (2013). Minimum discrepancy estimation in probabilistic knowledge structures. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 42, 49–56. doi = 10.1016/j.endm.2013.05.145.
  • Schrepp, M., Held, T., & Albert, D. (1999). Component-based construction of surmise relations for chess problems. In D. Albert & J. Lukas (Eds.), Knowledge spaces: Theories, empirical research, and applications (pp. 41–66). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Stefanutti, L., & de Chiusole, D. (2017). On the assessment of learning in competence based knowledge space theory. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 80, 22–32.
  • Taagepera, M., Potter, F., Miller, G.E., & Lakshminarayan, K. (1997). Mapping students' thinking patterns by the use of knowledge space theory. International Journal of Science Education, 19(3), 283–302. doi = 10.1080/0950069970190303

Links to the R Packages

About this App

The R Shiny app WorkKST offers a graphical user interface to various functions for knowledge spaces.
It uses the R packages DAKS, kst, kstIO, kstMatrix, and pks.
WorkKST was inspired by an earlier web-based system at the CSS (Cognitive Science Section at University of Graz).

This app is a long–term project and still under construction.